Multi‐scale imaging of intact and wounded dorsal skin. a) Depth‐encoded, large‐scale image of intact dorsal skin revealing an intricate vascular network. Insert showing superficial arterioles, venules, and capillaries supplied by deeper cutaneous vessels. b) The same area was imaged 5 days after the introduction of full‐thickness wounds, with the wounds already partially contracted and with a tortuous capillary network forming near the wound border. Blue and orange dashed lines – location of high‐resolution images shown in c and d; white solid lines mark the edge of the wound at the day of wounding (see Figure S9, Supporting Information); white dashed line marks the border of revascularization. c,d) High‐resolution recordings of the left and right wounds, as indicated in (b), showing a ring of newly formed, tortuous capillary vessels around the wound margin. e) Superficial vessels sprout directly adjacent to the wound margin and toward the wound center. White lines indicate location of vessel profiles in (f). f) Profiles of selected vessels numbered in (e), showing a relative uniform size distribution of the vascular network in the range of 10–30 µm. See Table S1, Supporting Information, for a full overview of all scan parameters and Figure S5, Supporting Information, for corresponding gross photographs.