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. 2021 May 21;41(4):E1064–E1081. doi: 10.1148/rg.2021200181

Figure 11c.

Extraperitoneal bladder injury in a 27-year-old man with a gunshot wound to the right buttock. Axial CT cystograms of the pelvis demonstrate a single bullet within the bladder lumen (yellow arrow in c). There is extraperitoneal extravasation of contrast material from the bladder into the space of Retzius (white arrow in a–c). An extraperitoneal rupture can be seen in the left lateral wall of the bladder (blue arrow in d). The extraluminal contrast material is confined to the pelvic space, which is consistent with a type 4b injury. An intraluminal hematoma can be seen (☆ in b). The patient underwent surgical repair for this extraperitoneal bladder injury during a laparotomy for small bowel injury.

Extraperitoneal bladder injury in a 27-year-old man with a gunshot wound to the right buttock. Axial CT cystograms of the pelvis demonstrate a single bullet within the bladder lumen (yellow arrow in c). There is extraperitoneal extravasation of contrast material from the bladder into the space of Retzius (white arrow in ac). An extraperitoneal rupture can be seen in the left lateral wall of the bladder (blue arrow in d). The extraluminal contrast material is confined to the pelvic space, which is consistent with a type 4b injury. An intraluminal hematoma can be seen (☆ in b). The patient underwent surgical repair for this extraperitoneal bladder injury during a laparotomy for small bowel injury.