In the VALOBAB-C clinical trial, 58 postmenopausal women were supplemented with test cream cheese containing either 0, 3, or 5 g of milk PL during 4 weeks. In the VALOBAB-D trial, 4 ileostomy patients were subjected to the acute consumption of the 3 test cheeses following a crossover study design. In both trials, during the exploratory visit, overnight fasted volunteers received a standardized breakfast rich in fat and sugars at time 0 and a meal containing the test cream cheese at time 240 minutes of the postprandial period. Tables and figures reporting specific results are listed. Cer, ceramides; CMRF, chylomicron-rich fraction; MFGM, milk fat globule membrane; PL, polar lipids; SP, sphingolipids; SM, sphingomyelins; TAG, triacylglycerols. Molecular structures were drawn using the LIPIDMAPS tool.