Figure 6. Association of primary clinical variables with seroprotective antibody titers and epitope hits among 30 participants without IGRT in the previous 16 weeks.
(A) Forest plot demonstrating associations of prespecified variables with prevalence of seroprotective IgG titers to vaccine-preventable infections. Values less than 1 indicate a lower prevalence of seroprotective antibody titers compared with the reference group. For example, BCMA-CAR-T cell therapy recipients had a lower prevalence of seroprotective antibody titers compared with CD19-CAR-T cell therapy recipients, although the difference did not reach statistical significance. Dots represent PR, and whiskers indicate the 95% CI derived from GEE. (B) Violin plots comparing the number of viral or bacterial epitopes recognized by IgG (epitope hits) by prespecified variables. Violins show the distribution of the data. Box plots indicate the IQR and median. Dots in the boxes indicate the mean. P values are derived from the univariate linear regression model (Supplemental Table 6). Asterisk indicates that the CAR-T cell target remained significant in a linear regression model adjusted for prior HCT, CD19+ B cell count, and IgM level (Supplemental Table 6).