(A–F) Wnt1Cre+; R26R-TdTomato (control) and RarαDNLoxP/+; Wnt1Cre+; R26R-TdTomato E12.5 bowel whole-mount showing EdU and PHOX2B IHC, as well as TdTomato fluorescence in esophagus (A and D), stomach (B and E), and small intestines (C and F). (G) Cell proliferation rate (EdU+TdTomato+/TdTomato+ × 100) (n = 5 mice, 718 cells) was similar in Wnt1Cre+; R26R-TdTomato (control) and RarαDNLoxP/+; Wnt1Cre+ mice; R26R-TdTomato (n = 5 mice, 643 cells). (H) Quantitative analysis of PHOX2B expression in ENCDC (PHOX2B+TdTomato+/TdTomato+ × 100) showed few mutant ENCDC are PHOX2B+. Wnt1Cre+; R26R-TdTomato (control) (n = 5 mice, 718 cells) and RarαDNLoxP/+; Wnt1Cre+; R26R-TdTomato (n = 5 mice, 643 cells). Scale bar: 20 μm. Two-tailed unpaired Student’s t tests were used for statistics.