1.) The one percent (1%) of the richest people in the U.S. control the government and the economy for their own benefit |
54 |
2.) Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire accused of running an elite sex trafficking ring, was murdered to cover-up the activities of his criminal network |
50 |
3.) The dangers of genetically-modified foods are being hidden from the public |
45 |
4.) President Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy rather than by a lone gunman |
44 |
5.) There is a “deep state” embedded in the government that operates in secret and without oversight |
43 |
6.) Regardless of who is officially in charge of governments and other organizations, there is a single group of people who secretly control events and rule the world together |
35 |
7.) Humans have made contact with aliens and this fact has been deliberately hidden from the public |
33 |
8.) Coronavirus was purposely created and released by powerful people as part of a conspiracy |
31 |
9.) The dangers of vaccines are being hidden by the medical establishment |
30 |
10.) A powerful family, the Rothschilds, through their wealth, controls governments, wars, and many countries’ economies |
29 |
11.) Businesses and corporations are purposely allowing foreigners into the country to replace American workers and culture |
29 |
12.) The dangers of 5G cellphone technology are being covered up |
26 |
13.) The AIDS virus was created and spread around the world on purpose by a secret organization |
22 |
14.) School shootings, like those at Sandy Hook, CT and Parkland, FL are false flag attacks perpetrated by the government |
17 |
15.) The number of Jews killed by the Nazis during World War II has been exaggerated on purpose |
15 |