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. 2021 Jun 1;12(3):e01058-21. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01058-21


Overview of the clades of the Hip Tree consisting of 1,239 kinasesa

Clade No. of kinase genes TA gene organizationb Experimentally analyzed TA modules Cellular target(s) of toxin GenBank IDc Reference(s)
I 712 hipBA hipBA of E. coli K-12 GltX NP_416024.1 (440) 47, 51, 52, 57, 58
hipBA1 of C. crescentus Unknown or GltX and LysS ACL93947.1 (423)
hipBA2 of C. crescentus LysS or GltX, LysS and TrpSe ACL96286.1 (444)
hipBA3 of C. crescentus Unknowne WP_010920611.1 (435)d
hipBA of S. oneidensis MR-1 Unknown AAN53784.1 (433)
II 73 hipBA None
III 48 hipBA hipBST of E. coli O127 TrpS WP_015879003.1 (342) 59
H. influenzae KW20 TrpS NP_438824.1 (343)
T. auensis DSM9187 TrpS CAS11333.1 (335)
IV 14 hipBA None
V 9 hipBA None
VI 36 hipBA None
VII 132 hipAB and hipAB None
VIII 21 hipBA None
IX 12 hipEB None
X 101 hipH/yjjJ hipH/yjjJ P39410.1 (443) 60
XI 81 hipRF, hipRG, hipMP, hipL, hipIN, and hipJS None

Data compiled from Table S1 in the supplemental material.


Gene organization refers to information retrieved from Table S1 and visualized schematically in Fig. 2B.


GenBank identifiers (IDs) or accession numbers of the kinases are from Table S1 and their position in amino acids in the Hip Tree visualized in Fig. S2A and S2B in the supplemental material.


hipBA3 of C. crescentus previously had the accession number NP_421566.1 and was used in Table S1.


The substrate of HipA1 is either unknown (58) or GltX plus LysS (57), while the substrate of HipA2 is either TrpS (58) or GltX, LysS plus TrpS (57).