dsRNA virus phylogenetic tree. (A) Partitiviruses and other bisegmented dsRNA viruses. A phylogenetic tree was computed by using the IQ-TREE stochastic algorithm to infer phylogenetic trees by maximum likelihood (model of substitution: VT+F+I+G4). A consensus tree was constructed from 1,000 bootstrap trees (log likelihood of consensus tree, −29124.745182). All bootstrap values (%) of >65 are represented at each node of the tree. Branch lengths are proportional to the number of amino acid substitutions and are measured by a scale bar. (B) Botybirnavirus, totivirus, and quadrivirus phylogenetic tree. The phylogenetic tree was computed by using the IQ-TREE stochastic algorithm to infer phylogenetic trees by maximum likelihood (model of substitution: LG+F+I+G4). A consensus tree was constructed from 1,000 bootstrap trees (log likelihood of consensus tree, −83393.114516).