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. 2021 Jun 24;10:e67023. doi: 10.7554/eLife.67023

Appendix 1—table 1. Excess disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) per 100,000 between 2020 and 2030 per scenario, infection and modelling group.

Scenarios for disruption of routine immunisation (RI) and delay of mass vaccination campaigns (SIAs – supplementary immunisation activities) due to the COVID-19 pandemic for measles vaccination in six countries, meningococcal A vaccination in four countries, and yellow fever vaccination in three countries. The counterfactual comparative scenario (BAU – business as usual) is no disruption to routine or campaign immunisation.

Scenario Measles, DynaMICE Measles, IDM Measles, Penn State Men A, Cambridge Men A, KP Yellow fever, Imperial Yellow fever, Notre Dame
50% RI 79.2110 68.5537 2.7503 0.1175 0.0037 9.3283 4.3831
Postpone 2020 SIAs - > 2021 69.9709 5.7308 −0.0990 0.2650 −0.0027 −2.7355 −0.5797
50% RI, postpone 2020 SIAs - > 2021 17.0570 74.0683 1.6898 0.4017 0.0004 6.5284 3.1370