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. 2021 Jun 24;10:e67023. doi: 10.7554/eLife.67023

Appendix 1—table 15. Glossary of terms.

Term Description
Country BFA: Burkina Faso
BGD: Bangladesh
COD: Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
ETH: Ethiopia
GHA: Ghana
KEN: Kenya
NER: Niger
NGA: Nigeria
SSD: South Sudan
TCD: Chad
Vaccine MCV1: 1 st dose measles vaccine, MCV2: 2nd dose measles vaccine, YF: yellow fever vaccine, MenA: meningococcal A vaccine
Year Year of vaccination
Age from Minimum age (in years) of the target population
Age to Maximum age (in years) of the target population
Age range verbatim Age of the target population, as provided by WHO or other coverage source
Coverage (national level) Percentage of the target population vaccinated, specified at a national level.
Target (national level) Number of people in the target age range, in the entire country.
Subnational campaign Campaigns which took place sub-nationally, rather than across the whole country.
Number vaccinated Number of individuals vaccinated in a campaign. Where necessary, a demographic cap was applied to constrain the number vaccinated to be no higher than UNWPP records of the total number in the target age group. (UNWPP: United Nations World Population Prospects, 2019 Revision).
Affected by COVID-19 Values are shown for 2020 campaigns only. FALSE: 2020 campaigns unaffected by COVID-19, for example campaigns which took place in early 2020. These campaigns are retained in all disruption scenarios.