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. 2021 Mar 31;28(6):1318–1329. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocab041

Table 1.

The distribution of frameworks across studies

Framework Name of the framework
1. Studies that used a single existing framework for app evaluation (n = 10)

MARS (n = 1)

APA (n = 2)

CRAAP (n = 1)

ORCHA-24 (n = 1)

SUMI (n = 1)

SUS (n = 1)

Psychological Component Checklist (n = 1)

A synoptic framework (n = 1)

The APPLICATION scoring system (n = 1)

2. Studies that self-developed a framework for evaluation (n = 63)

MARS (n = 1)

uMARS (n = 1)

The Health IT Usability, Evaluation Model (Health-ITUEM) (n = 1)

Expert-Based Utility Evaluation (n = 1)

The APPLICATION scoring system (n = 1)

App Chronic Disease Checklist (n = 1)

Nutrition App Quality Evaluation (AQEL) (n = 1)

Enlight (tool for mobile and Web-based eHealth interventions) (n = 1)

mHealth Emergency Strategy Index (n = 1)

MedAd-AppQ Medication Adherence App Quality assessment tool (n = 1)

Digital Health Scorecard (n = 1)

Design and Evaluation of Digital Health Intervention Frameworks (n = 1)

The mobile Health App Trustworthiness (mHAT) checklist) (n = 1)

Ranked health (n = 1)

PsyberGuide (n = 1)

No particular name (n = 48)

2.1 Frameworks that influenced to develop new framework

MARS (n = 2)

Persuasive system design principles (n = 1)

Nielsen Usability Model (n = 1)

Technology Acceptance Model (n = 1)

2.2 guidelines that used to develop new framework

U.S. Public Health Services Clinical Practice Guidelines (n = 1)

UK BTS/SIGN, U.S. EPR-3, and international GINA guidelines (n = 1)

3. Studies that used a combination of self-developed and existing frameworks for evaluation (n = 6)

Brief DISCERN Instrument (n = 1)

Silber scale (n = 2)

Health-ITUES (n = 2)

Tool used by Cruz—tool for measuring the compliance with Android and iOS guidelines (n = 1)

Tool for measuring the User QoE by Martines-Perez 2013 (n = 1)

Abbott Scale for Interactivity (n = 1)

The Health On the Net Code Criteria (n = 1)

The Technology Acceptance Model (n = 1)

Usability framework of TURF (n = 1)

Chinese Guideline for the Management of Hypertension (n = 1)

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (n = 1)

PsyberGuide (n = 1)

4. Use of survey tools Use of an existing or self- developed surveys (n = 10)
5. Not relevant Review or opinion papers (n = 8)

APA: American Psychiatric Association; BTS: British Thoracic Society; CRAAP: Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose; EPR-3: Expert Panel Report 3; GINA: Global Initiative for Asthma; Health-ITUES: Health Information Technology Usability Evaluation Scale; MARS: Mobile App Rating Scale; ORCHA-24: Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Applications–24-Question Assessment; SIGN: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network; SUMI: Standardized Software Usability Measurement Inventory; SUS: System Usability Scale; TURF: Task, User, Representation and Function;