A) Alignment of the predicted amino acid sequence of BtRDL (cloned in the present study) compared with that of two alternatively spliced isoforms of DmRDL (3a/6c and 3b/6d, corresponding to NCBI database accession numbers NP_729461.1 and NP_001261616.1, respectively). The regions corresponding to exons 3 and 6 are indicated below the amino acid sequences, as are the positions of the transmembrane regions M1-M4. B) Representation (not to scale) of the cDNA insert region of plasmid expression vectors pGEMHE-BtRDL and pSP6GL-BtRDL, illustrating two alternative sites at which plasmids were linearised by restriction enzyme digestion to either remove or retain the Xenopus β-globin 3’ UTR region (XbaI and NheI, respectively, for pGEMHE-BtRDL and NotI and BamHI, respectively, for pSP6GL-BtRDL). Also indicated are the upstream promoters (T7 or SP6) of the two plasmids.