Table 4.
Interaction of PPD-H1 effect and environment on flowering time
Population | Environment (sowing/photoperiod)a | Locationb | Latitudec | PPD-H1 alleled | Additive effecte | Sowing date | Heading date | DTHf | ZDg | |
Parent 1 | Parent 2 | |||||||||
Biparental populations | ||||||||||
Dicktoo × Morex1 | Phytotron, 8 h | Martonvasar (HU) | 47° 18′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | ns | 105.0 | |||
Dicktoo x Morex1 | Phytotron, 16 h | Martonvasar (HU) | 47° 18′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 7.80 | 45.0 | |||
Dicktoo × Morex1 | Greenhouse | Oregon (US) | 44° 24′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 16.10 | 52.5 | |||
Igri × Triumph2 | Field, autumn | Norwich (UK) | 52° 38′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 6.00 | Z55 | |||
Igri × Triumph2 | Field, spring | Norwich (UK) | 52° 38′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 10.80 | Z55 | |||
Igri x Triumph2 | Greenhouse, 10 h | Norwich (UK) | 52° 38′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | ns | Z55 | |||
Igri × Triumph2 | Greenhouse, 18 h | Norwich (UK) | 52° 38′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 10.00 | Z55 | |||
Dicktoo × Morex3 | Phytotron, 16 h, 18 °C | Martonvasar (HU) | 47° 18′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 12.00 | 44.0 | |||
Dicktoo × Morex3 | Phytotron, 16 h, 18/16 °C | Martonvasar (HU) | 47° 18′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 13.00 | 74.0 | |||
Dicktoo × Morex3 | Phytotron, 24 h, 18 °C | Martonvasar (HU) | 47° 18′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 9.00 | 42.0 | |||
17 interconected pop.4 | Field, autumn | Lupinén (ES) | 42° 10′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | ns | Nov-08 | Apr-19 | 110.0 | Z49 |
17 interconected pop.4 | Field, autumn | Zuera (ES) | 42° 09′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | ns | Nov-15 | Apr-19 | 110.0 | Z49 |
17 interconected pop.4 | Field, winter | Alerre (ES) | 41° 00′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 2.50 | Jan-28 | May-19 | 140.0 | Z49 |
17 interconected pop.4 | Field, winter | Zuera (ES) | 42° 09′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 3.10 | Jan-22 | May-19 | 140.0 | Z49 |
Azumamugi × KNG5 | Phytotron, 12 h | Tsukuba (JP) | 36° 01′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 19.11 | 189.0 | Z49 | ||
Azumamugi × KNG5 | Field, autumn | Tsukuba (JP) | 36° 01′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | ns | 185.0 | Z58 | ||
Azumamugi x KNG5 | Field, spring | Tsukuba (JP) | 36° 01′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | ns | 54.0 | Z58 | ||
SBCC145 × Beatrix6 | Field, autumn | Zaragoza (ES) | 41° 43′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | −1.09 | Oct-29 | Apr-11 | 102.0 | Z49 |
SBCC145 × Beatrix6 | Field, winter | Zaragoza (ES) | 41° 43′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 3.32 | Feb-08 | May-14 | 135.2 | Z49 |
Steptoe x Morex7 | Field, autumn | Lleida (ES) | 41° 37′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | −0.82 | Nov-21 | Apr-25 | Z55 | |
Steptoe × Morex7 | Field, autumn | Gimenells (ES) | 41° 38′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | −0.60 | Nov-30 | Apr-20 | Z55 | |
Steptoe × Morex7 | Field, autumn, ext. PD | Lleida (ES) | 41° 37′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 0.59 | Nov-21 | Apr-19 | Z55 | |
Steptoe × Morex7 | Field, winter | Gimenells (ES) | 41° 38′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 2.43 | Feb-26 | May-09 | Z55 | |
Steptoe × Morex7 | Greenhouse, spring | Lleida (ES) | 41° 37′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 3.66 | Mar-23 | May-20 | Z55 | |
Plaisant × Orria8 | Field, autumn | Gimenells (ES) | 41° 39′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | −0.30 | Dec-01 | Apr-16 | 107.7 | Z49 |
Plaisant × Orria8 | Field, autumn | Bell-lloc (ES) | 41° 37′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | −0.40 | Nov-02 | Apr-21 | 112.9 | Z49 |
Plaisant × Orria8 | Field, autumn | Sádaba (ES) | 42° 17′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 1.30 | Nov-22 | May-01 | 122.3 | Z49 |
Plaisant × Orria8 | Field, autumn | Sádaba (ES) | 42° 17′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 0.50 | Nov-26 | Apr-25 | 116.5 | Z49 |
Plaisant × Orria8 | Field, winter | Fiorenzuola(IT) | 44° 56′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 2.70 | Mar-01 | May-23 | 144.9 | Z49 |
SBCC073 × Orria9 | Field, autumn | Zuera (ES) | 42° 09′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 1.50 | Nov-11 | Mar-02 | 111.0 | Z49 |
Cam × Maresi10 | Field, spring | Cerekwica (PL) | 52° 31′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 2.79 | Apr-10 | May-31 | 51.4 | Z51 |
Cam × Lubuski10 | Field, spring | Cerekwica (PL) | 52° 31′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 2.42 | Apr-10 | May-30 | 50.7 | Z51 |
Harmal × Georgie10 | Field, spring | Cerekwica (PL) | 52° 31′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 1.68 | Apr-09 | May-26 | 47.9 | Z51 |
GWAS | ||||||||||
HEB-2511 | Field, autumn | Rehovot (IL) | 31° 54′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | −3.40 | Dec-03 | Mar-16 | 102.5 | Z49 |
HEB-2512 | Field, autumn | Dubai (AE) | 25° 05′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | −1.00 | Dec-08 | Feb-26 | 82.6 | Z55 |
HEB-2513 | Field, spring | Halle (DE) | 51° 29′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 4.75 | Mar/Apr | 68.1 | Z49 | |
HEB-2514 | Field, spring | Dundee (UK) | 56° 28′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 3.00 | Apr | 78.4 | Z49 | |
HEB-2514 | Field, spring | Halle (DE) | 51° 29′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 3.90 | Mar | 69.4 | Z49 | |
WHEALBI subset15 | Field, autumn | Martonvasar (HU) | 47° 17′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | −3.20 | Oct-20 | May-03 | 195.1 | Z55 |
WHEALBI subset15 | Field, autumn | Fiorenzuola (IT) | 44° 53′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | −1.90 | Oct-27 | May-02 | 187.2 | Z55 |
WHEALBI subset15 | Field, autumn | Dundee (UK) | 56° 30′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | −1.70 | Oct-29 | Jun-07 | 222.3 | Z55 |
WHEALBI subset15 | Field, winter | Martonvasar (HU) | 47° 17′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 1.30 | Mar-11 | May-22 | 72.7 | Z55 |
WHEALBI subset15 | Field, winter | Dundee (UK) | 56° 30′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 2.50 | Mar-03 | May-25 | 83.1 | Z55 |
HEB-YIELD16 | Field, autumn, 11 h | Dubai (AE) | 25° 05′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | ns | Dec | 89.4 | Z49 | |
HEB-YIELD16 | Field, autumn, 10.5 h | Adelaide (AU) | 35° 19′ S | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | ns | May/Jun | 124.5 | Z49 | |
HEB-YIELD16 | Field, spring, 16 h | Dundee (UK) | 56° 28′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 3.80 | Mar/Apr | 84.6 | Z49 | |
HEB-YIELD16 | Field, spring, 15 h | Halle (DE) | 51° 29′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 4.40 | Mar | 66.1 | Z49 | |
HEB-YIELD16 | Field, winter, 12 h | Al-Karak (JO) | 31° 16′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 3.40 | Dec/Jan | 108.9 | Z49 | |
AB-NAM17 | Field, spring | Minnesota (US) | 47° 46′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 3.00 | May-08 | Jun-28 | 51.2 | Z55 |
BRIDG618 | Field, spring | Minnesota (US) | 47° 46′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 4.50 | May-04 | Jun-24 | 50.8 | Z58 |
MAGIC19 | Field, spring | Bonn (DE) | 50° 36′ N | PPD-H1 | ppd-H1 | 0.36 | Apr-07 | Jun-14 | 68.5 | Z49 |
Surveys where associations between flowering time and the PPD-H1 locus region were detected are reported. It includes linkage mapping studies performed in biparental populations segregating for PPD-H1, and genome wide association analyses
aEnvironmental conditions (ext. PD extended photoperiod), blocation, clatitude, dPPD-H1 alleles and eadditive effects in days were collected from the original sources. dAlleles contributing to earliness are highlighted in bold. eAdditive effect on heading time in days (substitution of one sensitive PPD-H1 allele by one insensitive ppd-H1 allele). Negative sign indicates that ppd-H1 promotes flowering, positive sign indicates that ppd-H1 delays flowering (ns nonsignificant effect). fDays to heading from sowing (underlined) or from January 1st; gZadoks stage, developmental phase measured as flowering time in each experiment
1Pan et al. (1994), 2Laurie et al. (1995), 3Karsai et al. (2008), 4Cuesta-Marcos et al. (2008a), 5Sameri et al. (2011), 6Ponce-Molina et al. (2012), 7Borràs-Gelonch et al. (2012), 8Mansour et al. (2014), 9Boudiar et al. (2016), 10Mikołajczak et al. (2016), 11Merchuk-Ovnat et al. (2018), 12Saade et al. (2016), 13Maurer et al. (2015), 14Herzig et al. (2018), 15Bustos-Korts et al. (2019), 16Wiegmann et al. (2019), 17Nice et al. (2017), 18Hemshrot et al. (2019), 19Afsharyan et al. (2020)