Fig. 5.
Generality of PDT triggered ferroptosis-like cell death. a, Effect of ferroptosis-suppressing compounds (30 μM Fer-1, 8 μM Lip-1, 100 μM DFO, 100 μM TRO) on various cell lines treated with PDT using HYP (2 μM-2 min) or VPF (4 μM-2 min). The relative cell viability is represented by color (deep blue and deep red represent 0 and 1, respectively). b, The dose-dependent cytotoxicity of erastin on parental or erastin-resistant A549 cells (Era-A549). c-d, Relative mRNA level of CHAC1, PTGS2, SLC3A2, SLC7A11, GPX4, and ACSL4 in parental and erastin-resistant cells. e, Dependence of cell viability on PDT irradiation duration in parental and erastin-resistant A549 cells. f, Effect of different ferroptosis inhibitors on the viability of PDT treated Era-A549 cells. g-h, Relative mRNA level of CHAC1, PTGS2, ACSL4, FTMT, FTH, and TFR1 after PDT treatment in Era-A549 cells (4 h after). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)