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. 2021 Jun 24;11:601053. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.601053

Table 3.

SUV statistics and robustness of textural features robust against contour delineation.

ICC ICC lower bound
SUV_max 0.99 0.98
SUV_peak 0.99 0.97
SUV_mean 0.98 0.96
ID_Variance 0.98 0.97
ID_Median 0.94 0.87
ID_Min 0.80 0.64
ID_10thPercentile 0.92 0.83
ID_90thPercentile 0.97 0.94
ID_InterquartileRange 0.89 0.78
ID_Range 0.99 0.97
ID_MeanAbsoluteDeviation 0.96 0.92
ID_RobustMeanAbsoluteDeviation 0.94 0.88
ID_MedianAbsoluteDeviation 0.96 0.92
ID_CoefficientOfVariation 0.94 0.88
ID_QuartileCoefficientOfDispersion 0.81 0.64
ID_Energy 0.97 0.92
ID_RootMeanSquare 0.97 0.94
IVH_VolumeIntFract_90 0.91 0.81
IVH_IntensityVolFract_10 0.79 0.62
IVH_AreaUnderIVHCurve 0.80 0.62
LIF_LocalIntensityPeak 0.98 0.96
GLCM_222_1JointAverage 0.81 0.65
GLCM_222_1SumAverage 0.81 0.65
GLCM_222_1AutoCorrelation 0.81 0.64
GLCM_222_1InformationMeasureCor1 0.78 0.60
GLDZM_GLNonuniformity 0.85 0.71
GLDZM_ZDNonuniformity 0.82 0.65
GLRLM_ShortRunEmphasis 0.78 0.60
GLRLM_LongRunEmphasis 0.80 0.63
GLRLM_HighGLRunEmpha 0.81 0.64
GLRLM_ShortRunHighGLEmpha 0.80 0.63
GLRLM_LongRunHighGLEmpha 0.83 0.67
GLRLM_GLNonuniformity 0.90 0.79
GLRLM_RLNonuniformity 0.95 0.87
GLRLM_RunPercentage 0.81 0.64
GLSZM_LargeZoneHighGLEmpha 0.90 0.80
GLSZM_GLNonuniformity 0.85 0.71
NGLD_HighGLCountEmpha 0.81 0.65
NGLD_HighDepenHighFLEmpha 0.78 0.60
NGLD_GLNonuniformity 0.89 0.78
NGLD_DepCountNonuniformity 0.84 0.69
NID_Coarseness 0.81 0.64

Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) calculated using the two-way random effects model. Assumption: absolute agreement. Thresholds: lower bound of 95% CI of ICC and a threshold of 0.60 for ICC (24, 25) (good reliability).