Fig. 5. Heterogeneity of CASTAT5 and control CD4+ T cells revealed by scRNAseq analysis.
The t-SNE plots generated using scRNAseq data show clear separation of CASTAT5 and control CD4+ T cells (A, left panel), and each of them can be further projected into three sub-clusters based on gene expression profiles (A, right panel). (B) The violin plots show differential expression of 8 polyfunctionality-related genes among the six clusters of CD4+ T cells. (C) The pie charts show the percent of CD4+ T cells expressing varied number (0 to ≥5) of cytokines and cytolytic molecules in each cluster. The number of cells with positive expression of each effector molecule was counted based on the presence or absence of raw sequencing reads mapped to the mRNA sequences of each relevant gene. Cells with at least 1 read mapped to the relevant gene were called as positive for the corresponding gene. (D) Heatmap of top 10 genes expressed in each cluster. The columns represent cells and the rows present genes. Cells are grouped by clusters and top 10 most significant markers are shown. (E) Violin plots of six unique marker genes representing cluster 6. Each dot represents one cell and the violin shows the distribution of probability density at each value. (F) A gene co-expression network specific to cells of cluster 6 is identified using WGCNA.