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. 2021 Jun 2;6(3):e00427-21. doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00427-21


Pseudomonas strains used in this study

Pseudomonas strain(s) Origin Genome sequence (reference) Reference(s) or source
P. yamanorum (P. gessardii subgroup)
 LBUM636 Strawberry rhizosphere, Canada 60 60
P. aridus (P. fluorescens subgroup)
 R11-23-07, R2-7-07, R2-37-08W, R3-18-08, R1-43-08, R4-34-07, R4-39-08, R2-60-08W, R4-35-07, R3-52-08 Wheat rhizosphere, USA 17 16, 61
P. orientalis (P. fluorescens subgroup)
 8B Wheat rhizosphere, Iran 17 62
 R2-66-08W, R4-35-08, L1-3-08 Wheat rhizosphere, USA 17 61
P. synxantha (P. fluorescens subgroup)
 2-79 Wheat rhizosphere, USA 17 63
 LBUM223 Strawberry rhizosphere, Canada 64 28
 30B Wheat rhizosphere, Iran 17 62
 R2-54-08W, R2-4-08W, R6-28-08 Wheat rhizosphere, USA 17 61
Pseudomonas sp. (P. fluorescens subgroup)
 R5-89-07 Wheat rhizosphere, USA 17 61
 LBUM920 Spruce rhizosphere, Canada 17 Richard Hamelin
Pseudomonas sp. (CMR12a/CMR5c subgroup)
 CMR5c, CRM12a Cocoyam rhizosphere, Cameroon 17 65
P. chlororaphis subsp. aurantiaca (P. chlororaphis subgroup)
 DSM19603 Unknown 17 66
 CW2 Radish rhizosphere, Germany 17 67
 449 Maize rhizosphere, Ukraine 17 68
 464 Beet rhizosphere, Ukraine 17 69
 PCM2210 Beet rhizosphere, Poland 17 PCMa
 Q16 Alfalfa rhizosphere, Serbia 17 70
 M12 Maize rhizosphere, Serbia 17 Dragana Josic
 K27 White clover rhizosphere, Serbia 17 Dragana Josic
 M71 Tomato rhizosphere, Italy 17 71
P. chlororaphis subsp. aureofaciens (P. chlororaphis subgroup)
 DSM6698T River clay, The Netherlands 17 72
 P2 Potato rhizosphere, Algeria 17 73
 C50 Maize rhizosphere, Serbia 17 Dragana Josic
 ChPhzTR18, ChPhzTR36, ChPhzTR38, ChPhzTR39 Tomato rhizosphere, France 17 49
 ChPhzS23, ChPhzS24 Soil, France 17 49
 66 Alfalfa rhizosphere, Uzbekistan 17 69
 PA23 Soja root, Canada 74 75
 O6 Soil, USA 36 76
P. chlororaphis subsp. chlororaphis (P. chlororaphis subgroup)
 DSM 50083T Plate contaminant 17 77
P. chlororaphis subsp. piscium (P. chlororaphis subgroup)
 DSM 21509T Perch intestine, Switzerland 17 78
 ATCC 17411 Unknown 17 77
 ATCC 17809 Unknown 17 77
 ChPhzS135, ChPhzS140 Soil, France 17 49
 DTR133 Tomato rhizosphere, France 17 79
 SLPH10 Take-all decline soil, The Netherlands 17 16
 ToZa7 Tomato rhizosphere, Greece 17 80
 ChPhzTR44 Tomato rhizosphere, France 17 49
 PCL1607 Avocado rhizosphere, Spain 17 81
 PCL1391 Tomato root, Spain 17 35
P. chlororaphis (P. chlororaphis subgroup)
 Pb-St2 Sugarcane stem, Pakistan 17 82
 B25 Clover rhizosphere, Serbia 17 70
 30-84 Soil, USA 36 83
 ATCC 17415 Soil, USA 17 77
 TAMOak81 Oak, USA 17 84

PCM, Polish Collection of Microorganisms.