(A) Representative IHC images of MSI2 expression in normal colon mucosa, colon polyps, primary CRC, and CRC liver metastasis. (B) H-score for MSI2 expression in normal mucosa (n = 20) and colorectal polyps (n = 20). (C) H-score for MSI2 expression in normal colon mucosa, primary CRC tumor, and matched CRC liver metastasis (n = 60). (D) H-score for MSI2 expression in primary tumors with the grades of differentiation (n = 105). (E) Kaplan-Meier progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) for patients with low (dotted line) and high (solid line) levels of Musashi-2 protein expression based on median values for H-score in primary tumor. Data is presented for patients diagnosed with stage I-III CRC (green), with synchronous metastases (stage IV) (red), or stage I-III but subsequently with metachronous metastases(blue), based on evaluation of primary tumors collected at initial diagnosis.