Figure 7.
Cdh11−/− mice show elevated expression of PSD-95, neuroligin-1, and cadherin-8 in vivo. A, Western blot analysis of PSD-95, neuroligin-1, cadherin-8, and N-cadherin expression in whole brains of P7 Cdh11 WT and KO mice. Cadherin-8 signal was normalized to GAPDH and Nlgn1, PSD-95, and N-cadherin signals were normalized to β-actin. One representative immunoblot for Cdh8 with five WT and four KO samples is shown. Quantification of the expression of (B) PSD-95, (C) neuroligin-1, (D) cadherin-8, and (E) N-cadherin in P7 Cdh11 WT and KO whole brains; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, unpaired two-tailed t test. N = 7 animals per genotype (Cdh8), 12 WT and 10 KO (Nlgn1), 12 WT and 11 KO (PSD-95, N-cad). F, Western blot analysis of PSD-95, neuroligin-1, cadherin-8, and N-cadherin expression in P21 forebrains of Cdh11 WT and KO mice. Cadherin signals were normalized to β-actin. Quantification of the expression of (G) PSD-95, (H) neuroligin-1, (I) cadherin-8, and (J) N-cadherin in P21 Cdh11 WT and KO forebrains; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, unpaired two-tailed t test. N = 6 WT and 7 KO animals.