Figure 5. Depletion of Bdf1/2 compromises TFIIB recruitment to promoters.
(A) Average plots comparing TFIIB ChIP-seq signals before (dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO], solid line) and after (indole-3-acetic acid [IAA], dashed line) Bdf1/2 or Taf13 degradation at 4900 promoters classified into TFIID-dependent and coactivator-redundant (CR) categories. Mean values from replicate experiments are plotted. (B) Boxplot showing log2 change in promoter occupancy of TFIIB after Taf13 or Bdf1/2 degradation. Signals were calculated in a −200 to 100 bp window relative to transcription start site (TSS). Results of the Welch’s t-test are shown. (C) Scatter plot comparing log2 change in transcription and log2 change in TFIIB occupancy after Bdf1/2 degradation at 4883 promoters/genes analyzed in RNA-seq experiments. Spearman correlation coefficient (r) is shown. See also Supplementary file 3.