Table 1:
Case reports/series reporting hearing loss, tinnitus, and/or dizziness in confirmed patients with COVID-19
Study | Case(s) | Major symptom(s) | Study design | Findings |
Chirakkal et al. (2021)60 | 1, 35yr, female | HL and tinnitus | Case report | Unilateral SNHL and tinnitus |
Talebi Bezmin Abadi et al. (2021)62 | 1, 29yr, male | Dizziness | Case report | Dizziness and imbalance |
Chern et al. (2021)59 | 1, 18yr, female | Sudden HL, tinnitus, vertigo | Case report | Sudden SNHL, aural fullness, vertigo, and intralabyrinthine hemorrhage |
Gunay et al. (2021)61 | 1, 23yr, female | Sudden HL and ear pain | Case report | Bilateral mixed hearing loss and ear pain |
Kanjwal et al. (2020)43 | 1, 36yr, female | Dizziness | Case report | Dizziness, presyncope, fatigue, and orthostatic palpitations |
Woodhall et al. (2020)57 | 1, 39yr, female | Dizziness | Case report | Dizziness and visual loss |
Avener et al. (2020)36 | 1, 88yr, female | Dizziness | Case report | Dizziness, syncope, slurred speech, and confusion |
Lamounier et al. (2020)48 | 1, 67yr, female | Sudden HL and tinnitus | Case report | Sudden SNHL (severe in the right ear and mild in the left ear) and disabling tinnitus |
Fadakar et al. (2020)39 | 1, 47yr, male | Vertigo | Case report | Progressive vertigo and ataxia |
Koumpa et al. (2020)47 | 1, 45yr | Sudden HL and tinnitus | Case report | Unilateral sudden severe high-frequency SNHL and tinnitus |
Lang et al. (2020)49 | 1, 30yr female | Sudden HL and tinnitus | Case report | Unilateral sudden severe to profound high-frequency SNHL and tinnitus |
Abdel Rahman and Abdel Wahid (2020)35 | 1, 52yr male | Sudden HL and tinnitus | Case report | Unilateral sudden severe to profound SNHL and tinnitus |
Degen et al. (2020)38 | 1, 60yr, male | HL and tinnitus | Case report | Bilateral profound hearing loss with loud tinnitus |
Kilic et al. (2020)45 | 5 males | HL | Case report | COVID-19 was positive in one of the cases. |
Sia (2020)53 | 1, 78yr, male | Dizziness | Case report | Dizziness and unsteadiness |
Jacob et al. (2020)42 | 1, 61yr, female | HL | Case report | Hearing loss |
Chen et al. (2020)37 | 1, 34yr, male | Dizziness | Cases report | Dizziness |
Karimi-Galougahi et al. (2020)44 | 6, 22–40yr, 4female, 5male | HL, tinnitus, Vertigo |
Case series | Unilateral moderate to severe SNHL (n = 6), tinnitus (n = 4), vertigo (n = 2) |
Malayala and Raza (2020)51 | 1, 29yr, female | Vertigo | Case report | Symptoms of acute vestibular neuritis intractable vertigo, nausea, and vomiting |
Liu et al. (2020)50 | 1, 37yr, male | Vertigo | Case report | Vertigo |
Takahashi et al. (2020)56 | 1, 73yr, male | HL | Case report | Sudden hearing loss |
Han et al. (2020)41 | 1, 47yr, male | Vertigo | Case report | Vertigo |
Sun et al. (2020)55 | 1, 38yr, male | HL and tinnitus | Case report | Bilateral hearing loss and tinnitus |
Norman et al. (2020)52 | 1, 83yr, female | Dizziness | Case report | Dizziness |
Sriwijitalai and Wiwanitkit (2020)54 | 1 old female | HL | Case report | SNHL |
Kong et al. (2020)46 | 1, 53yr, female | Dizziness | Case report | Sudden dizziness and symptoms of the nervous system involvement |
Fidan (2020)40 | 1, 35yr, female | HL and tinnitus | Case report | Unilateral mild-to-moderate CHL due to acute otitis media with otalgia and tinnitus |
Wu et al. (2020)58 | 1, 41, male | Dizziness | Case report | Dizziness |
CHL, conductive hearing loss; HL, hearing loss; SNHL, sensory-neural hearing loss.