Antibodies |
Anti-mouse PD1 (anti-CD279) |
Bio-X-Cell |
Clone (RMP1-14); RRID: AB_10949053
Rat IgG2a isotype control antibody |
Bio-X-Cell |
2A3; RRID: AB_1107769
Anti-mCD4 for depletions |
Bio-X-Cell |
Clone GK1.5; RRID: AB_1107636
FITC-anti-mCD4 for surface staining |
BioLegend |
Clone GK1.5; RRID: AB_312691
APC-anti-CD4 for intracellular staining |
BioLegend |
Clone GK1.5; RRID: AB_312697
Anti-mCD8 for depletions |
Bio-X-Cell |
Clone YTS169.4; RRID: AB_10950145
PE-CY7-anti-mCD8a for staining |
BioLegend |
Clone 53.6-7; RRID: AB_312761
Anti-Phytopthora Ig AFRC MAC 51 control antibody for depletions |
In-house (L.Boon) |
From hybridoma:
PE-anti-CD49b |
BioLegend |
Clone DX5; RRID: AB_313414
Violet 421-anti-CD3e |
BioLegend |
Clone 145-2C11; RRID: AB_11203705
PerCP/Cy5.5-anti-B220 |
BioLegend |
Clone RA3-6B2; RRID: AB_893356
APC-anti-CD44 |
BioLegend |
Clone IM7; RRID: AB_312963
PE-anti-LAG3 |
BioLegend |
Clone C9B7W; RRID: AB_2133343
APC-anti-Tim3 |
BioLegend |
Clone RMT3-23; RRID: AB_2561656
PE-anti-CTLA4 |
BioLegend |
Clone UC10-4B9; RRID: AB_313255
APC-anti-PD1 |
BioLegend |
Clone 29F.1A12; RRID: AB_2159183
PE-Cy7-anti-F4/80 |
BioLegend |
Clone BM8; RRID: AB_893478
Violet 421-anti-CD11b |
BioLegend |
Clone M1/70; RRID: AB_2562904
PerCP-anti-CD11b |
BioLegend |
Clone M1/70; RRID: AB_2129375
FITC-anti-Foxp3 |
eBiosciences |
Clone FJK-16s; RRID: AB_465243
PE-anti-CD25 |
BD Sciences |
Clone 7D4; RRID: AB_1645250
PE-anti-PDL1 |
BioLegend |
Clone 10F.9G2; RRID: AB_2073556
APC-anti-MHCII |
BioLegend |
Clone M5/114.15.2; RRID: AB_313329
PE-anti-H2-Kb |
eBioscience |
Clone AF6-; RRID: AB_10598797
PE-anti-H2-Kd |
eBioscience |
Clone SF1-1.1.1; RRID: AB_2043875
APC-anti-H2-Db |
BioLegend |
Clone KH95; RRID: AB_2565862
FITC-anti-H2-Ld |
Invitrogen |
Clone 30-5-7S; RRID: AB_2539390
Bacterial and virus strains |
Oncolytic herpes simplex virus |
Sorrento Therapeutics (San Diego, CA) |
HSV1716 |
Chemicals, peptides, and Recombinant proteins |
RPMI 1640 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
A1049101 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
12430112 |
Fetal bovine serum (FBS) |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
26,140 |
ACK red cell lysis buffer |
Lonza |
10-548e |
Mouse Fc blocking reagent |
BD Biosciences |
Clone 2.4G2; RRID: AB_394656
Streptavidin-APC |
Molecular Probes |
SA1005 |
Biotinylated H2-Ld mouse MuLV gp70 SPSYVYHQF |
NIH Tetramer Core Facility (NTCF) |
AH1 GP70 peptide |
Biotinylated H2-Kb mouse MuLV gp70 KSPWFTTL |
NIH Tetramer Core Facility (NTCF) |
p15E GP70 peptide |
Critical Commercial assays |
SureSelectXT mouse all exon library kit |
Agilent Technologies |
G7550 |
TruSeq Stranded total RNA library kit |
Illumina, Inc. |
20020596 |
MycoAlert mycoplasma detection kit |
Lonza |
LT07-318 |
Cell titer 96 Aqueous non-Radioactive cell Proliferation assay |
Promega |
G5421 |
RNeasy plus Mini kit |
Qiagen |
74,134 |
SuperScript II reverse Transcriptase |
Life Technologies |
18064022 |
iTaq universal SYBR green supermix kit |
Bio-Rad |
1725120 |
Cell fixation and permeabilization kit |
Invitrogen |
GAS001S100 and GAS002S100 |
Experimental models: Cell lines |
F420 osteosarcoma cell line |
Kind gift from Jason Yustein |
Cells were derived from genetically engineered mouse model reported in Zhao et al. (2015)
K7M2 osteosarcoma cell line |
ATCC Cat# CRL-2836, RRID:CVCL_V455 |
Experimental models: Organisms |
C57BL/6 female mice |
Envigo |
C57BL/6NHsd |
BALB/c female mice |
Envigo |
Balb/cAnNHsd |
Deposited data |
Raw and analyzed RNA-seq data |
This paper |
Gene expression omnibus: GSE166282
Raw tumor exome sequencing data |
This paper |
Sequence read archive: PRJNA698961 |
RNA-seq data |
This paper |
Software and algorithms |
bcl2fastq conversion software (version |
Illumina, Inc. | |
HaplotypeCaller |
Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) | |
Mutect2 |
GATK | |
Kelly et al., (2015) |
Email lead contact for more information |
pVACseq |
Hundal et al., (2016) | |
Salmon (version 0.9.1) |
(Patro et al., 2017) | |
Mus musculus reference genome |
National Center for Biotechnology Information RefSeq |
GRCm38.p4_rna.fna |
Mus musculus endogenous retroviral reference sequences |
Mmus38.geve.nt_v1.fa |
gp70 sequence |
GenBank |
DQ359272.1 |
DAVID (version 6.8) |
(Dennis et al., 2003) | |
(Newman et al., 2015) | |
DESeq2 (version 1.26.0) |
(Love et al., 2014) | |
GraphPad Prism version 7.0a |
GraphPad Software | |
FlowJo version 10.0.3 |
Tree Star | |