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. 2021 Jun 19;24(7):102759. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2021.102759

Anti-mouse PD1 (anti-CD279) Bio-X-Cell Clone (RMP1-14); RRID: AB_10949053
Rat IgG2a isotype control antibody Bio-X-Cell 2A3; RRID: AB_1107769
Anti-mCD4 for depletions Bio-X-Cell Clone GK1.5; RRID: AB_1107636
FITC-anti-mCD4 for surface staining BioLegend Clone GK1.5; RRID: AB_312691
APC-anti-CD4 for intracellular staining BioLegend Clone GK1.5; RRID: AB_312697
Anti-mCD8 for depletions Bio-X-Cell Clone YTS169.4; RRID: AB_10950145
PE-CY7-anti-mCD8a for staining BioLegend Clone 53.6-7; RRID: AB_312761
Anti-Phytopthora Ig AFRC MAC 51 control antibody for depletions In-house (L.Boon) From hybridoma:
PE-anti-CD49b BioLegend Clone DX5; RRID: AB_313414
Violet 421-anti-CD3e BioLegend Clone 145-2C11; RRID: AB_11203705
PerCP/Cy5.5-anti-B220 BioLegend Clone RA3-6B2; RRID: AB_893356
APC-anti-CD44 BioLegend Clone IM7; RRID: AB_312963
PE-anti-LAG3 BioLegend Clone C9B7W; RRID: AB_2133343
APC-anti-Tim3 BioLegend Clone RMT3-23; RRID: AB_2561656
PE-anti-CTLA4 BioLegend Clone UC10-4B9; RRID: AB_313255
APC-anti-PD1 BioLegend Clone 29F.1A12; RRID: AB_2159183
PE-Cy7-anti-F4/80 BioLegend Clone BM8; RRID: AB_893478
Violet 421-anti-CD11b BioLegend Clone M1/70; RRID: AB_2562904
PerCP-anti-CD11b BioLegend Clone M1/70; RRID: AB_2129375
FITC-anti-Foxp3 eBiosciences Clone FJK-16s; RRID: AB_465243
PE-anti-CD25 BD Sciences Clone 7D4; RRID: AB_1645250
PE-anti-PDL1 BioLegend Clone 10F.9G2; RRID: AB_2073556
APC-anti-MHCII BioLegend Clone M5/114.15.2; RRID: AB_313329
PE-anti-H2-Kb eBioscience Clone AF6-; RRID: AB_10598797
PE-anti-H2-Kd eBioscience Clone SF1-1.1.1; RRID: AB_2043875
APC-anti-H2-Db BioLegend Clone KH95; RRID: AB_2565862
FITC-anti-H2-Ld Invitrogen Clone 30-5-7S; RRID: AB_2539390

Bacterial and virus strains

Oncolytic herpes simplex virus Sorrento Therapeutics (San Diego, CA) HSV1716

Chemicals, peptides, and Recombinant proteins

RPMI 1640 Thermo Fisher Scientific A1049101
DMEM Thermo Fisher Scientific 12430112
Fetal bovine serum (FBS) Thermo Fisher Scientific 26,140
ACK red cell lysis buffer Lonza 10-548e
Mouse Fc blocking reagent BD Biosciences Clone 2.4G2; RRID: AB_394656
Streptavidin-APC Molecular Probes SA1005
Biotinylated H2-Ld mouse MuLV gp70 SPSYVYHQF NIH Tetramer Core Facility (NTCF) AH1 GP70 peptide
Biotinylated H2-Kb mouse MuLV gp70 KSPWFTTL NIH Tetramer Core Facility (NTCF) p15E GP70 peptide

Critical Commercial assays

SureSelectXT mouse all exon library kit Agilent Technologies G7550
TruSeq Stranded total RNA library kit Illumina, Inc. 20020596
MycoAlert mycoplasma detection kit Lonza LT07-318
Cell titer 96 Aqueous non-Radioactive cell Proliferation assay Promega G5421
RNeasy plus Mini kit Qiagen 74,134
SuperScript II reverse Transcriptase Life Technologies 18064022
iTaq universal SYBR green supermix kit Bio-Rad 1725120
Cell fixation and permeabilization kit Invitrogen GAS001S100 and GAS002S100

Experimental models: Cell lines

F420 osteosarcoma cell line Kind gift from Jason Yustein Cells were derived from genetically engineered mouse model reported in Zhao et al. (2015)
K7M2 osteosarcoma cell line ATCC ATCC Cat# CRL-2836, RRID:CVCL_V455

Experimental models: Organisms

C57BL/6 female mice Envigo C57BL/6NHsd
BALB/c female mice Envigo Balb/cAnNHsd

Deposited data

Raw and analyzed RNA-seq data This paper Gene expression omnibus: GSE166282
Raw tumor exome sequencing data This paper Sequence read archive: PRJNA698961
RNA-seq data This paper Mendeley:

Software and algorithms

bcl2fastq conversion software (version Illumina, Inc.
HaplotypeCaller Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK)
Mutect2 GATK
CHURCHILL Kelly et al., (2015) Email lead contact for more information
pVACseq Hundal et al., (2016)
Salmon (version 0.9.1) (Patro et al., 2017)
Mus musculus reference genome National Center for Biotechnology Information RefSeq GRCm38.p4_rna.fna
Mus musculus endogenous retroviral reference sequences GEVE Mmus38.geve.nt_v1.fa
gp70 sequence GenBank DQ359272.1
DAVID (version 6.8) (Dennis et al., 2003)
CIBERSORT (Newman et al., 2015)
DESeq2 (version 1.26.0) (Love et al., 2014)
GraphPad Prism version 7.0a GraphPad Software
FlowJo version 10.0.3 Tree Star