Figure 7.
NR4A expression and depletion in THP-1 monocytes. RAW TPM values (mean +/- SEM) extracted from RNA-seq for NR4A1 (A) NR4A2 (B) and NR4A3 (C) in shNT-THP1 cells in the control (unstimulated state) and following LPS treatment (2.5μg/ml for 2hrs) all shown on common axis. RAW TPM values extracted from RNA-seq for NR4A1 (D) NR4A2 (E) and NR4A3 (F) in shNT-THP1 cells, shNR4A2-THP1 cells and shNR4A3-THP1 cells in the control (unstimulated state) and following LPS treatment (2.5μg/ml for 2hrs). N=3 independent experiments. Adjusted p-values (Padj) for specific comparisons are contained in the tables below the TPM data. Statistically significant Padj are denoted in bold font. Comparisons between shNR4A2 cells and control are denoted in the red boxes, comparisons between the shNR4A3 cells and control are denoted in the blue boxes. Statistically significant comparisons are further signposted using bars on the TPM graphs.