Figure 6.
L. infantum infection induces Th1 responses through interleukin-12 signaling at 10 days post infection: (A) Unsupervised hierarchal clustering of 10 days p.i. and control mice including genes correlated with Principal Component 3 (PC3) was applied and based on Euclidean distance and pairwise average-linkage. Differential expression of selected genes in 10 days p.i.-mice (left side) and control mice (right side) is shown. Each mouse is identified with a respective code. Genes downregulated during infection are shown in green and upregulated genes are in red; (B) Ranked gene list generated in GSEA (using PC3-correlated genes to compare gene expression in 10 days p.i.-mice vs. all other mice). Genes indicated in bold were involved in the core enrichment; (C) Enrichment Map with PC3-correlated genes shows the relevance of IL-12 signaling pathway at 10 days p.i. Parameters to filter these nodes/gene sets applied in Cytoscape: p-value < 0.05 and FDR < 0.25. Intensity of node color fill represents FDR value (more intense red color indicates lower FDR); node size corresponds to the NES value. Thicker connection lines represent higher similarity coefficient between nodes; (D) Core enrichment of PC3-gene sets. The leading edge analysis was performed in GSEA with the gene sets enriched (with p-value < 0.05 and FDR < 0.25). The heatmap shows the clustered genes in the leading edge subsets. Score values in the ranked gene list generated in GSEA are represented as colors, where the range of color (red, pink) shows the range of score values (high, moderate); (E) PID_IL12_2PATHWAY heatmap. This gene set was upregulated in 10 days p.i.-mice (PC3 dataset). Upregulation of these genes in 10 days p.i.-mice (left side) and the rest of mice is shown. Each mouse is identified with a respective code. Genes are ordered by tTest ratio according to their differential expression. Normalized relative quantities (NRQ) are represented as colors, where the range of colors (red, pink, light blue, dark blue) shows the range of expression values (high, moderate, low, lowest).