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. 2021 Jun 23;13(13):3140. doi: 10.3390/cancers13133140

Table 1.

Characteristics of prostate cancer cases and matched controls.

Characteristics Controls (n = 272) Cases (n = 146)
Mean/N SD/% Mean/N SD/% p-Value *
Age at baseline (years) 54.3 4.6 54.7 4.8 0.09
Age at baseline (categories) /
 <45 years 6 2.2 3 2.1
 ≥45–<50 years 53 19.5 27 18.5
 ≥50–<55 years 71 26.1 38 26.0
 ≥55–<60 years 113 41.5 62 42.5
 ≥60–<65 years 29 10.7 16 11.0
Age at diagnosis (years) 63.0 5.0 / / /
Time between blood collection and diagnosis (years) 8.3 3.0 / / /
Gleason ≥ 7 ** 62 42.5 / / /
BMI (kg/m2) 25.0 3.0 25.4 3.0 0.07
BMI (categories) /
 Underweight (<18.5 kg/m2) 2 0.7 1 0.7
 Normal weight (≥18.5–<25 kg/m2) 133 48.9 72 49.3
 Overweight (>25 kg/m2) 137 50.4 73 50.0
Season of blood draw /
 March–May (Spring) 102 37.5 56 38.4
 October–November (Fall) 36 13.2 21 14.4
 December–January (Winter) 134 49.3 69 47.3
Smoking status /
 Non smokers 242 89.0 130 89.0
 Smokers 30 11.0 16 11.0
SU.VI.MAX intervention group /
 Supplementation 123 45.2 65 44.5
 Placebo 149 54.8 81 55.5
Family history of prostate cancer 0.01
 No 261 96.0 130 89.0
 Yes 11 4.0 16 11.0
Prostate-specific antigen (ng/mL) 1.3 1.2 3.4 3.4 <0.0001
Prostate-specific antigen (categories) <0.0001
 <3 ng/mL 256 94.1 97 66.4
 ≥3 ng/mL 16 5.9 49 33.6
Physical activity 0.7
 Irregular 68 25.0 32 21.9
 <1 h walk or equivalent 57 21.0 35 24.0
 ≥1 h walk or equivalent 147 54.0 79 54.1
Educational level 0.9
 Primary school 63 23.2 31 21.2
 Secondary school 101 37.1 56 38.4
 ≥High-school degree 108 39.7 59 40.4
Alcohol intake (g/day) 29.8 22.5 26.9 21.4 0.1

* p-value from conditional logistic regression models. ** missing for n = 10. Age (categories), BMI (categories), smoking status, season of blood draw, and SU.VI.MAX intervention group were the matching factors between cases and controls. BMI, body mass index; SD, standard deviation.