Table 1.
Demographic, anthropometric and clinical characteristics of patients
Characteristic | Total (n = 200) |
Sex, no. (%) | |
Male | 118(59) |
Female | 82(41) |
Age (years), mean (SD, range) | 65(12.1, 20–89) |
Education, no. (%) | |
Illiterate | 96(48) |
Primary | 47(23) |
Secondary | 30(15) |
Diploma | 19(10) |
Academic | 8(4) |
Household size, no. (%) | |
1 | 30(15) |
2 | 89(45) |
3 | 49(24) |
4 or more | 32(16) |
Socioeconomic status, no. (%) | |
Low | 85(42) |
Middle | 95(48) |
High | 20(10) |
Smoking status, no. (%) | |
Non-smoker | 130(65) |
Former-smoker | 48(24) |
Current smoker | 22(11) |
BMI category, no. (%) | |
Under weight | 2(1) |
Normal | 66(33) |
Overweight | 80(40) |
Obese | 52(26) |
Weight loss in the last 6 months (yes), no. (%) | 87(44) |
Waist circumference (cm), mean (SD) | 95 (25) |
Supplement usea, no. (%) | 46(23) |
History of disease, no. (%) | |
Heart disease | 70(35) |
Diabetes | 99(50) |
Hypertension | 131(66) |
Hyperlipidemia | 74(37) |
Heart failure duration (years), mean (SD, range) | 2.6(3.6, 0.1–21) |
FBS (mg/dl), mean (SD) | 146(67) |
TC (mg/dl), mean (SD) | 142(47) |
TG (mg/dl), mean (SD) | 112(61) |
HDL (mg/dl), mean (SD) | 39(10) |
LDL (mg/dl), mean (SD) | 80(39) |
Ejection fraction (%), mean (SD) | 27(11.7) |
SD indicated standard deviation, BMI body mass index, FBS fasting blood sugar, TC total cholesterol, TG triglyceride, HDL high density lipoprotein, LDL low density lipoprotein, BUN blood urea nitrogen, NA sodium, K potassium
aSupplement use was indicated as taking at least one of the Iron, Zinc, vitamin D, vitamin B groups, vitamin C and E supplementations