Figure 2.
A 27-year-old woman with relapsed non Hodgkin lymphoma who has received an autologous hematopoetic stem cell transplant and allogeneic hematopoetic stem cell transplant for restaging prior to second allograft. Left panel top; fusion image through the upper neck. Left panel bottom: fusion image through the supraclaviclar regions. Right panel: anterior MIP. Extensive BAT uptake in the neck and chest renders the image quality suboptimal and distinction of BAT from pathologic activity difficult, even with close reference to the attenuation correction CT. A black arrow identifies an area of abnormal uptake in the pre-vascular region. SUVmax of BAT in the prevascular region 7.1, right upper cervical 7.6, left upper cervical 7.4, right supraclavicular 5.7, SUVmax left supraclavicular 7.8. This patient was part of Group 1 and had no specific BAT activity prevention. The study illustrates the need for BAT activity suppression.