Figure 5.
Median of effective reproduction number with interquartile range and superspreading events. = 2.5, = 1.875, 4 days of mean delay, 40% transmission before symptoms, initial number of symptomatic and asymptomatic cases is the same and equal to 20, all people wear masks, and the mask hinders spreading and protects from getting infected with different mask efficiency . Distributions used for secondary cases: negative binomial (NB), negative binomial with additional superspreading events (NB+SSE), negative binomial with restriction on maximum cases (NB < 25 people), negative binomial with additional superspreading events and restriction on maximum cases (NB + SSE < 25 people): (a) without mask wearing and SSEs; (b) without mask wearing but with SSEs; (c) = 20% (homemade mask); (d) = 50% (medical mask).