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. 2021 May 26;6(3):e01058-20. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.01058-20



Validation of the MetFish method using amino acids. (a) Tandem mass spectra from analysis of a mixture of unlabeled (black spectrum) and 13C and 15N uniformly labeled glycine (red spectrum), both derivatized with dansyl chloride. The m/z of each fragment peak is listed, and the mass shifts due to the isotopic labels are indicated. (b) Overlayed extracted ion chromatograms (EICs) of amino acids in neat solution analyzed by nanocapillary liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) without chemical tagging (upper chromatogram); total ion chromatogram from analysis of amino acids in 2 M MgSO4 analyzed by nanocapillary LC-MS/MS without chemical tagging (middle chromatogram); EICs of amino acids in 2 M MgSO4, derivatized using dansyl chloride, followed by extraction with organic solvent, and analyzed by nanocapillary LC-MS/MS with dansylation chemical tagging (lower chromatogram). The y axes for all plots have been normalized to the highest intensity peaks in each.