FIG 2.
Calculation of the metabolic disease score. (A) PCA of metabolic markers in fasting blood of 164 men and women, including 113 participants described in this report, along with 51 individuals recruited at the same time and under the same exclusion criteria as study participants. The metabolic disease score is calculated as the PC1 coordinates shifted to a minimum of 1 and log transformed. (B) Metabolic disease scores broken up by cohort. The percentages noted above the groups are the percentages of individuals with a score above our metabolic impairment cutoff (see Fig. S1). There is no significant difference between the proportions in each group (Fisher exact test, P = 0.11) or between mean ranks in each group (Kruskal-Wallis test, P = 0.13). (C) Relationships between metabolic disease score and age stratified by cohort. Statistical significances of slopes are indicated and were calculated according to the following linear model: score ∼ age + cohort + age × cohort. **, P < 0.01; *, P < 0.05.