KrasG12D mice [37] |
Alb-Cre |
KRAS activation |
KrasG12D;p53L/L mice [37] |
Alb-Cre |
KRAS activation and p53 deletion |
Smad4Co/CoPtenCo/Co mice [38] |
Alb-Cre |
Deletion of SMAD4 and PTEN |
Ptenf/fGrp94f/f mice [39] |
Alb-Cre |
Deletion of PTEN and GRP94 |
AKT/YAP Sleeping Beauty [41] |
Sleeping Beauty transposon |
Activation of AKT and YAP |
KrasG12D mice with DDC diet [43] |
Opn-Cre |
KRAS activation and biliary damage |
KrasG12D/CDH1ΔL mice with high fat diet [45] |
Alb-Cre |
KRAS activation, deletion of E-cadherin, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease |