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. 2021 Jun 25;8(1):95–107. doi: 10.14338/20-00092

Table 2.

Selection of the best available NTCP models per symptom category in head and neck cancer patients.

Patients, n, (OARs)/events
Advanced RT techniques only
Endpoint ≥ 12 m post-RT
Variables included in final model
Prospective toxicity collection
Prediction probability
Overall quality
 Beetz 2012 [20] 17/83 Yes (IMRT) No (6 m) Logistic regression with bootstrapping Xerostomia: Dmean PG contra, BL xerostomia Sticky saliva: Dmean SMG contra, Dmean SLG both, Dmean soft palate Yes AUC 0.68 (xerostomia), 0.70 (sticky saliva) Yes (internal) Good
 Lee 2014 [32] 158/52 Yes (IMRT) Yes (3 m and 12 m) LASSO logistic regression with bootstrapping 12 m: Dmean PG ipsi/contra Yes AUC 12 m: 0.98 (HNSCC), 0.96 (NPC) Yes (internal) Good
 van Dijk 2017 [33] 249/63 (sticky saliva)/100 (xerostomia) No (IMRT, 3DCRT, VMAT) Yes (1 y) LASSO multivariate logistic regression Xerostomia: Dmean PG contra, BL xerostomia, SRE GLRLM PG contra; Sticky saliva: Dmean SMG (both), BL sticky saliva, max HU both SMG Yes AUC xerostomia ± imaging biomarker 0.77 and 0.75, sticky saliva ± imaging biomarker 0.77 and 0.74 Yes (internal) Limited added value of imaging biomarkers Good
 Christianen 2012 [19] 354/NA No (3DRT, IMRT) No (6 m) Logistic regression Dmean SPC, Dmean supraglottic larynx Yes AUC 0.80 Yes (external) Good
Feeding tube dependency
 Wopken 2014 [31] 355/38 Yes (IMRT) No (6 m), but clinically relevant Logistic regression T stage, weight loss, accelerated RT, chemo, Cetuximab, Dmean inf. PCM, Dmean PG contra, Dmean cricopharyngeal muscle Yes AUC 0,88 Yes (internal) Good
 Sapir 2016 [34] 73/26 Yes (IMRT) No (3 m) LKB Dmean oral cavity Yes NA No Oral cavity as OAR Fair
Esophageal stricture
 Mavroidis 2003 [35] 82/26 No (3DCRT) No 1–40 m (median 7 m) LKB Dmean esophagus No ROC = 0.84, X2 test = 0.95 No Poor
Brain necrosis
 Wang 2019 [36] 749/38 Yes (IMRT) No (3.5–75 m, median 49 m) Lasso binary regression D0.5 cc and D10 selected for final model No AUC 0.68 (testing set) Yes (internal) Good
 Zeng 2015 [37] 351/29 Yes (IMRT) No (6–100 m, median 76 m) Logistic regression D1cc No NA No Fair
Nerve palsy
 Chow 2019 [38] 330 nerves/46 Yes (IMRT) No (min. FU 6 m, median 8.1 y) Logistic regression D1cc No AUC 0.83 No False high rate of palsies: min. FU all patients 6 m/healthy control 8 y Fair
 Morimoto 2019 [39] 132/30 No (3DCRT, IMRT (percentage unclear) No (6 m) Logistic regression Dmean TMJ contra, max. intercisial opening at BL Yes P = .182 (Hosmer and Lemeshow test) No Collinearity check; acc. fx in 95 patients Good
 Lindblom 2014 [40] 121/50 No (3DCRT, IMRT) Yes for MID (21–127 m, median 66 m), unclear for QoL scores Logistic regression Different models with different variables studies; best fit for ipsi masseter for both endpoints No (MID), yes (QoL) 0.77 and 0.73 for model with endpoint MID and QoL, respectively and ipsi masseter as variable Yes (internal) 70 patients with acc. fx Good
 Rønjom 2013 [41] 203/35 Yes (IMRT) Yes (1 y, 2 y) Logistic regression Dmean thyroid gland, thyroid gland volume No (but objective criterion) NA No Good
Hearing loss
 Marzi 2015 [42] 280 ears/73 Yes (PT) Yes (median FU 26 m) LKB Dmean inner ear Yes AUC 0.86 No Fair
 Lee 2015 [43] 422 ears/49 Yes (IMRT) Yes (51 m, range 36– 77 m) LKB Logistic regression Dmean cochlea ipsi No LKB: 0.76, Logistic: 0.76 No Influence of chemotherapy not accounted for Fair
Dry eye
 Bhandare 2012 [44] 78/40 No (EBRT 1996–2000) No (mean 0.9 y) Logistic regression with bootstrapping Dmax lacrimal gland No NA No Fair
Laryngeal edema
 Rancati 2009 [45] 48/25 Yes (IMRT) Yes (15 m) Lyman Logit Dmean larynx No (but objective criterion) NA No Fair
 Marzi 2015 [42] 103/45 Yes (PT) Yes (median 26 m) LKB Dmean pituitary gland Yes AUC 0.86 No Fair

Abbreviations: NTCP, normal tissue complication probability; OAR, organ at risk; RT, radiotherapy; prosp., prospective; IMRT, intensity modulated radiation therapy; Dmean, mean dose; PG, parotid gland; Contra, contralateral; BL, baseline; SMG, submandibular gland; SLG, sublingual gland; AUC, area under curve; ipsi, ipsilateral; HNSCC, head neck squamous cell cancer; NPC, nasopharyngeal cancer; 3DCRT, 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy; VMAT, volumetric modulated arc therapy; SRE GLRLM, short run emphasis gray level co-occurrence; HU, Hounsfield unit; NA, not assessed; PCM, Pharyngeal Constrictor Muscle; LKB, Lyman–Kutcher–Burman; ROC, receiver operator curve; min, minimum; FU, follow-up; TMJ, temporomandibular joint; acc. fx, accelerated fractionation; MID, maximal interincisal distance; QoL, quality of life; PT, proton therapy; EBRT, external beam radiotherapy.