Fig. 5.
Tracheal CCC in MyD88-KO, TLR2-KO, TLR4-def, and TLR2-KO/TLR4-def mice. a and b Double-labeling immunofluorescence of tracheal whole-mounts of MyD88-WT a and MyD88-KO b mice with antibodies against TRPM5 (yellow) and ChAT (green). Double-labeled cells dominate, single-labeled CCC (TRPM5+/ChAT−) are marked with arrows. c and d Densities of TRPM5-positive cells c and ChAT-positive cells c counted from whole-mounts as shown in a and b. e Number of DCAMKL1-positive cells per mm of basal lamina in tracheal tissue sections of TLR2-KO, TLR4-def, TLR2-KO/TLR4-def, and TLR-WT mice. Each data point represents a single animal analyzed with an average number of 20 single sections. Bars and whiskers depict mean and SEM. Blue: males, red: females. All investigated animals were adult (> 12 weeks). P values were calculated with Mann-Whitney test