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. 2021 Jul 9;12:4226. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-24291-6

Table 1.

Statistics of X-ray diffraction data collection and structural refinement.

PF3D7_1040300 (RIF1)
PF3D7_0401300 (RIF3)
MGC34 Fab MGD21 Fab
PDB accession code 7JZI 7JZK 7JZ1 7JZ4
Data collection
 Wavelength 1.072 1 1 1
 Resolution range (Å) 50-2.70 (2.75-2.70) 50-2.45 (2.49-2.45) 50-3.35 (3.47-3.35) 50-2.75 (2.80-2.75)
 Space group C 2 C 2 P 65 2 2 P 21
Cell dimensions
 a, b, c (Å) 144.4, 72.2, 57.9 87.1, 95.8, 71.8 101.4, 101.4, 319.9 80.9, 81.1, 111.6
 α, β, γ (°) 90, 91.1, 90 90, 104, 90 90, 90, 120 90, 94, 90
 Unique reflections 16105 (1480) 19253 (1854) 14543 (1399) 37566 (3513)
 Multiplicity 7.2 (5.6) 3.0 (2.7) 4.3 (3.7) 3.8 (3.8)
 Completeness (%) 98.8 (94.6) 92.3 (93.9) 99.7 (100.0) 99.9 (99.5)
 I / σI 42.7 (1.8) 14.1 (2.0) 9.2 (1.1) 16.1 (1.8)
 Wilson B-factor 88.80 43.17 110.38 69.04
 Rmerge 0.070 (0.593) 0.104 (0.423) 0.177 (0.784) 0.103 (0.872)
 CC1/2 0.900 0.855 0.603 0.641
 Reflections used in refinement 16092 (1479) 19219 (1847) 14536 (1399) 37552 (3511)
 Reflections used for R-free 1612 (152) 914 (81) 687 (62) 1844 (172)
 Rwork 0.22 (0.38) 0.21 (0.27) 0.24 (0.32) 0.20 (0.31)
 Rfree 0.26 (0.40) 0.26 (0.33) 0.26 (0.29) 0.25 (0.35)
 Number of non-H atoms 3430 3468 4276 8516
  macromolecules 3417 3371 4276 8453
  ligands 2 39 53
  solvent 11 58 10
 Protein residues 450 442 564 1109
 RMS(bonds) (Å) 0.008 0.010 0.005 0.005
 RMS(angles) (°) 1.41 1.47 0.97 0.91
 Ramachandran favored (%) 98. 41 99.54 93.39 95.43
 Ramachandran outliers (%) 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00
 Average B-factor (Å2) 111.11 54.57 107.84 82.22
  macromolecules 111.03 53.86 107.84 81.79
  ligands 276.68 117.73 154.29
  solvent 106.01 53.32 60.89

Values in parentheses are for highest-resolution shell.