Fig. 2. The susceptibility of MHC-I allotypes to tapasin-mediated peptide exchange is different.
a Sequence logo of peptide that binds to A*02:01, A*03:01, B*27:05, and B*27:09. Peptides known to bind to these alleles were downloaded from IEDB and sequence logos were generated in b Representative peptide exchange profiles of 500 nM A*02:01/photoKV9, A*03:01/photoKK9, B*27:05/photoRL9, B*27:09/photoRL9 in the absence (black) and presence of equimolar amounts of ERp57-TsnWT (light green) or TAPBPR (wheat) after UV exposure. Peptide exchange was monitored after adding the FITC-version of the peptide used in refolding for each allotype (FITC-GV9 for A*02:01, FITC-KK9 for A*03:01 and FITC-RL9 for B*27:09/05). The measuring time was different for each allotype. dFP means the baseline was subtracted. c The fold changes of observed association rate Kon in the presence of ERp57-TsnWT or TAPPBR for four allotypes. Error bars (standard deviation, SD) were calculated from three independent experiments.