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. 2021 Jul 9;13:154. doi: 10.1007/s40820-021-00674-8

Fig. 10.

Fig. 10

a1 Schematic illustration of the ROS scavenging and anti-inflammation function of Cu5.4O USNPs with the mimic enzyme properties of CAT, SOD, GPx ability. a2 TEM image and particle size distribution of Cu5.4O USNPs; b Stability and enzymatic activity of CeO2@MMT(1:9). b1 Delivery process of CeO2@MMT through the simulated stomach (pH 1.2–1.5) and colon (pH 7.8–8.2) fluids via oral absorption. b2 TEM image of CeO2@MMT(1:9) after treating with HCl solution (pH≈1.2) for 4 h at 37 °C. b3 Zeta potentials of CeO2@MMT in simulated stomach and colon fluids. b4 CAT- and SOD-mimicking property and ·OH scavenging activities (OHS) of CeO2@MMT treated with simulated gastric fluid. c The facilitated in situ CO release for synergistic anti-inflammatory effects induced by MnO2 nanozymes modified with neutrophil membrane. d Rh-PEG NDs with excellent RONS scavenging ability, multi-enzyme-like activity and high photothermal conversion efficiency for relieving colon inflammation and anti-tumor treatment. e Application of PtPdMo nanozymes with multi-enzyme-like activity and high catalytic selectivity in improving neuroinflammation. PTT Photothermal therapy, PAI Photoacoustic imaging, IRT interventional radiotherapy.

Adapted from a Ref. [392], b Ref. [394], c [395] d Ref. [396], e Ref [52] with permission