Fig. 6.
Variation of the data variables extracted for the considered brain parcellations. In columns 1 and 2, the distributions of the data variables (indicated on the vertical axes) for all subjects/fMRI sessions are depicted versus the parcellations (indicated on the horizontal axes). In column 3, the correspondence between the data variables among all considered parcellations is illustrated. For any two parcellations (indicated on the axes), the Pearson cross-correlation between the corresponding data variables was calculated across all subjects for (A3) , (B3) , (C3) , and (D3) as indicated in the titles of the plots. The results are depicted by color, and their magnitudes are also printed in the plots. The crossed out cells indicate that the corresponding correlation does not reach the statistical significance with . The heavy red lines delineate the parcellations from the same atlas (parcellation family). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)