Figure 1.
Behavioral segmentation in REST and R2G recordings. (A) Order and timing of events within a single trial of an R2G session. Colored lines above the time axis indicate time intervals considered for the analysis: preparatory period (PP, cyan) and task-induced movements (TM, purple). SR indicates the switch-release event—beginning of the hand movement. PP was defined as [CUE-OFF, CUE-OFF+500 ms], and TM as [SR, SR+500 ms] for monkey E, and [SR-150 ms, SR+350 ms] for monkey N (different for the 2 monkeys due to differences in performance speed). (B) Order and relative duration of the behavioral states defined within each REST session (single second precision): resting state (RS, light green) represents no movements and eyes open, sleepy rest (RSS, dark green) represents no movements and eyes (half-)closed, spontaneous movements (M, pink) represent movements of the whole body and limbs.