Light detection technologies integrated with CL paper-based immunoassay devices: (a) a miniaturized chemiluminescence detection system for a microfluidic paper-based analytical device and its application to the determination of chromium (III) (A): (a) injection zone, (b) reaction zone, and (c) waste zone. (B) holder: upper, holder of the μPAD. The optical fibers are located at the positions of the reaction zone. Lower, the cover of the holder. The CL reagents were introduced from the injection holes located at the μPAD injection zones. Reproduced from Ref. [79] with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry. (b) Scheme of the integrated thermochemiluminescent vertical flow immunoassay device: (a) Scheme of the integrated TCL-VFIA device; (b) inside view of the mini-dark box (left), mini-dark box with VFIA device inserted (center), configuration for TCL signal acquisition (right). Reproduced with permissione from Ref [84]. Copyright 2018 Elsevier; (c) scheme of the CL-LFIA strip showing the assay principle, the position of the photosensors below the strip, and a picture of the complete device, comprising the PDMS microfluidic cartridge with integrated a-Si:H photosensors and the custom readout electronics: (a) Scheme of the CL-LFIA strip showing the assay principle (top) and the position of the photosensors below the strip (bottom). (b) Picture of the complete device, comprising the PDMS microfluidic cartridge with integrated a-Si:H photosensors and the custom readout electronics. Reproduced with permission from Ref [95]. Copyright 2016, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.