Sldmr6-1 mutants are resistant to Xanthomonas infection in the field. (A) Growth phenotype and quantification of the heights of wild-type, Sldmr6-1.1, and Sldmr6-1.2 lines. (B) Disease resistance assays with the bacteria X. perforans race T4 (106 CFU per milliliter of each of strains GEV904, GEV917, GEV1001, GEV1063). (C) Comparison of the total marketable yield of wild-type plants and Sldmr6-1.1 and Sldmr6-1.2 mutant lines. Total marketable yield includes the medium, large, and extra-large fruit categories, which are defined according to the US Department of Agriculture specifications (49). No significant differences in total marketable yield were observed in this field trial (P > 0.05). Error bars represent SD. The letters indicate significant differences between the conditions as determined using a one-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey HSD test (P < 0.05).