Fig. 5.
Asexual parasite densities, immune responses, and multiplication rates in different models. Each panel shows, from top to bottom, 1. The log10 asexual density as in Fig. 3, with the horizontal dashed black line indicates the threshold of positive density (10 PBRC/μl); 2. The stacked magnitude (as the with the median effect of each immune response) of the innate (orange), variant specific (red), and general adaptive (yellow) immune response, such that the maximum effect equals 1 and no effect equals 0; and 3. The overall (across variants, see Methods) multiplication rate, with the horizontal dashed line representing a multiplication rate of 16. The x-axis represents days of infection. Results are shown for a Molineaux et al., b Johnston et al., c Challenger et al., d Gatton and Cheng, and e Eckhoff. The x-axis represents days of infection, the solid line the median, the shaded area the interquartile range (Q25–Q75) and the grey lines the minimum and maximum resulting from the 1750 simulations