Fig. 7.
Effects of empagliflozin administration on renal inflammatory cell infiltration and tyrosine hydroxylase expression in CsA-treated rats. On the left. Immunohistochemical identification of interstitial inflammatory cell infiltration and tyrosine hydroxylase expression in kidney of control, control + Empa, CsA and CsA + Empa-treated rats. The immunostaining showed a significant increase in interstitial monocyte/macrophage cells (brown reaction) and tyrosine hydroxylase expression at intraparenchymal nerve fiber level (brown reaction) in CsA-treated rats as compared with control and control + Empa-treated rats. Empagliflozin administration prevented the increase of monocyte/macrophage infiltration and tyrosine hydroxylase expression in CsA-treated rats. Immunoperoxidase stain, in both the panels original magnification upper X20 and inferior X40. On the right: Quantification of staining of renal monocyte/macrophage inflammatory cells and tyrosine hydroxylase expression in the different groups of rats. Data are means ± SEM. *: p < 0.05. §: p < 0.01