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. 2021 Jun 28;8:611132. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.611132

Table 1.

Description of network and node level metrics.

Metric Description Epidemiological importance
Size Number of cattle markets (nodes) that make up the network. It enables comparison of the Uganda cattle market with other markets' random graphs. Larger networks may have more subgroups that act as disease transmission bottlenecks within the group
Density Degree of contact between pairs of cattle markets in the network Disease transmission may occur faster in high-density networks
Eigenvector centralization Measures the level of influence of a cattle market (node) within a network after assigning each a score. Disease transmission occurs rapidly in networks with high eigenvector centralization
Modularity Involves partitioning of the cattle network into well-connected subgroups Disease transmission is slowed downed by the presence of subgroups
Clustering coefficient Is the ratio of the number of edges (i.e., links) that occur between a cattle market's (i.e., node's) immediate neighbors and the maximum number of edges that could exist between them High clustering may increase the frequency of disease spread
Degree centrality The number of edges (links) a cattle market (node) has. Indicates whether a cattle market can be a source of infection (high out-degree centrality) or receive most of the infection from other cattle markets (high in-degree centrality)
Degree betweenness Measures the extent to which a cattle market (node) lies on the paths between other cattle markets Measures how frequently a given cattle market (node) can act as a bridge between other cattle markets (nodes) in the network. The higher the degree betweenness, the higher the potential of a cattle market to transmit the infection from a source cattle market
K-core The k-core of a graph is the maximal subgraph made of nodes with degree k or more. Can identify superspreaders or groups within a network which are vulnerable to a disease
Articulation point Is a cattle market (node) whose removal disconnects the network Can be targeted for disease control to enhance the resilience of the network