1. Stories |
Citation: “I see everyone is comfortable. I don't feel that… there’s any discomfort. I find there’s not really any… people aren’t holding back, because I know them, and what they’re saying, it’s what they say in general in their everyday life. It’s in the spirit of the times… It wasn't something that… we were against. No one was against that.”—Professional A
Citation: “Well, I don’t think anyone said…. It’s not conscious, but to a certain extent, we’re afraid of each other.”—Professional M
Citation: “When we explained our internal problems [in front of patients as partner], it was a little embarrassing, because normally we’re supposed to be perfect. That’s how it is, in fact, it’s like a perfect image. Then, there, we took them behind the scenes…. So then it was a bit embarrassing [to admit] “we're not perfect, you know.””—Professional S
2. Ideals |
Citation: “This is a departmental priority. Besides that, it’s become a priority for the [health authority], it’s become a priority for everyone…. They all feel there’s a lot of pressure for us to be endorsed by the “patient partner” brand.”—Professional P |
3. Balance |
Citation: “We may well be colleagues, but still, they’re patients, and I always feel the… urge to provide care, and then we said: ‘we want them to be happy, and do well in there, and feel valued.’”—Professional P
Citation: “I’d say that, when it’s a colleague, I feel more able to confront him…. But when it’s a patient… you have to wear… in my thinking, anyway… because he represents the good folks, you have to treat them with kid gloves more often.”—Professional A
Citation: “(…) At the same time, I see it as a bias, because we’re working with two patients who are used to work on committees.”—Professional S
4. Categorisation |
Citation: “The most important thing for me is to clarify the role, what we’re doing around the table, and why we’re all here.”—Professional P
Citation: “Then, because everyone is also a patient… I think that’s why… but our patient is more of a patient than we are, his role is to bring that… You know, us, it’s not really our role to bring our role as a patient there, either… ”—Professional M
Observations: certain situations helped increase the PP’s legitimacy and clarify the boundaries between PP’s and professional’s identity.
when PP surprised the team with information or suggestions based on their own care experience that none of the professionals had previously experienced or considered.
when PP contradicted a preconceived notion held by professionals regarding patients’ experience.
when PP were able to touch team members emotionally with their personal experience of care.
5. Symbols |
Citation: “If I were asked to be a patient partner, I’d like to be paid. Just to say you have a value. It’s not just volunteering. It’s crazy, because we have a system [in which] basically, after all… it seems that your salary is your worth.”—Professional A