Classification of cell populations in single-cell RNA sequencing data of fetal and adult mouse testis. (A) UMAP representation of single-cell transcriptomes colored by cell type, where each dot corresponds to one cell. Enlargement of the global UMAP on the area of interest which include both the fetal and adult Leydig, colored by cell populations (A′) and by developmental stage (C). The fetal cells are colored in pale green and the adult cells in dark green. (D,E) Enlargement on the UMAP representation colored according to the normalized expression of Leydig cells marker genes Hsd3b1 (D) and Cyp11a1 (E). (B) Dotplot displaying the expression of selected marker genes of testis cell populations. The size of the dots is proportional to the fraction of cells in the population expressing the gene and the scaled gene expression level is indicated by the color scale. Leydig cells: Nr5a1, Star, Cyp11a1. Sertoli cells: Hsd17b3, Amhg, and Sox9. Interstitial progenitors: Arx, Lhx9, and Nr2f2. Endothelial cells: Pecam1, Cdh5, and Esam. Germ cells: Pou5f1, Dddx4. Spermatogonia: Dmrt1. Spermatocytes: Piwil1. Round spermatids: Tex21. Elongating spermatids: Tnp1.