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. 2021 May 28;64(4):473–485. doi: 10.3340/jkns.2020.0258

Table 1.

Factors to consider in selective fusion of thoracic curves

Category Criteria Note
Candidates Lenke 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C
Clinical parameters Lifestyle and activity level
Thoracic rotational prominence > lumbar prominence
Soft tissue flexibility : thumb abduction test
Radiographic parameters
Coronal plane ratio criteria AVT thoracic >1.2 Possible if AVT criteria only
AVT thoracolumbar/lumbar >1.2 Better if 2 or 3 criteria met
AVR thoracic >1.2
AVR thoracolumbar/lumbar >1.2
Thoracic Cobb angle >1.2
Thoracolumbar/lumbar Cobb angle >1.2
Sagittal plane criteria Thoracolumbar (T10–L2) kyphosis <10°
Sagittal disc angle below LIV : lordosis
Skeletal maturity Triradiate cartilage : closed
Additional criteria TL/L side bending <25° Possible if TL/L side bending >25° if more criteria are met
TL/L curve <60°
CSL touches thoracic LEV or below

AVT : apical vertebral translation, AVR : apical vertebral rotation, LIV : lower instrumented vertebra, TL/L : thoracolumbar/lumbar, CSL : central sacral vertical line, LEV : lower end vertebrae