Fig. 4.
Infection and VIGS phenotypes in 5 cassava cultivars agroinfiltrated with pCsCMV-ChlI345 and pCsCMV-NC.. a Silencing phenotypes in 5 cassava cultivars (60,444, ZM9781, SC5, SC8, and SC9) using the pCsCMV-NC and pCsCMV-ChI345 at 30 dpi. b RT-qPCR analyses of ChlI mRNA expression in 5 cassava cultivars infected with pCsCMV-ChlI345 and pCsCMV-NC. Satistical tests were performed using Student’s t test, compared with plants infected with non-target control pCsCMV-NC (**P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001). Three independent experiments were performed and each included six plants per treatment group. Error bars indicate the SD