(A) Domain organization of LshCas13a. The NTD domain of LshCas13a has no clear density and is indicated by the dashed box.
(B) Ribbon representation of LshCas13a-crRNA-anti-tag RNA6 ternary complex. Color codes of RNA and Cas13a are defined as in Figure 1C and (A), respectively.
(C and D) Ribbon representation and schematic of crRNA:target RNA duplex. The anti-tag is complementary with 3′-flank of crRNA repeat and forms an extended A-form RNA duplex beyond the guide:target duplex. Nucleotides not observed in the structures are colored gray in (D).
(E) Schematic representation of the conformational changes occurring in crRNA upon anti-tag RNA or target RNA loading. Nucleotides not observed in the structures are indicated by the dashed box. The RNA duplexes inside the binding channel are indicated by yellow boxes.
See also Figures S1–S3 and Table S1.