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. 2021 Jul 12;13(1):e12212. doi: 10.1002/dad2.12212


Model predicting total gray matter volume (n = 92)

Parameter 95% Confidence interval
Estimate (β) SE t‐value P Lower bound Upper bound
Intercept 46.9149 1.9379 24.21 .000 43.0646 50.7653
Age −.2993 .0303 −9.89 .000 −.3591 −.2396
CRF .6502 .9981 .65 .516 −1.3314 2.6318
Sex −2.6020 .6199 −4.20 .000 −3.8331 −1.3708
Education −.0318 .1182 −.27 .788 −.2667 .2031
APOE ε4 status .0782 .5145 .15 .880 −.9436 1.1000
CRF × age .2496 .0988 2.53 .013 .0544 .4447

Notes: β = Unstandardized beta coefficient; SE = standard error; Sex coded 0 = female, 1 = male. APOE ε4 status coded 0 = non‐carrier, 1 = carrier; †Estimates reflect total gray matter expressed as a percentage of intracranial volume (sum of total gray matter, white matter, and CSF volumes).

Abbreviations APOE, apolipoprotein E; CRF,  cardiorespiratory fitness; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.