Dynamics in neuroticism and limbic functional connectivity. Results of exploratory whole brain analysis assessing amygdala and hippocampus connectivity during the Medical83 condition with significance threshold set at p < .05 FWE voxel-wise corrected. A) Two clusters emerged with respect to amygdala connectivity, located in the right calcarine sulcus and bilateral thalamus (pulvinar nucleus). B) Five clusters emerged with respect to hippocampal connectivity, also located in the right calcarine sulcus and bilateral pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus, as well as in the post-central gyrus, left hippocampus and the left medial section of the cingulate cortex (MCC; marked with a red circle). C) The LME model for hippocampus-MCC functional connectivity revealed a significant time by hippocampus-MCC connectivity interaction (F(2, 95.888) = 3.83, p = .024), driven by time-dependent relationship between neuroticism and hippocampus-MCC connectivity such that elevated neuroticism during military service was associated with reduced hippocampus-MCC functional connectivity (B(tp2) = −2.44, p = .009). *indicates p < .05.